OptionsOracle is a free tool for the stock options trading strategy analysis, built for the options traders.
Since options trading is more complex and can involve much higher risk than simple stock trading, traders need to fully understand the options strategy before investing in it. This is where OptionsOracle comes to help. OptionsOracle is a powerful tool that allows testing of different options strategies using real-time options & stock-market information. The tool provides an easy interface to build a stock/options position and then test it using graphs and analytical tools.

Read more at http://www.pasitechnologies.com/2017/03/optionsoracle-options-trading-analysis.html
Download page: http://www.pasitechnologies.com/2015/11/optionsoracle-nse-plugin-v-185.html
I am using the older version (option 1b) as the latest version is not supported on my laptop
More resources:
- learn more about option oracle at youtube
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/OptionTradingCourse/.
Since options trading is more complex and can involve much higher risk than simple stock trading, traders need to fully understand the options strategy before investing in it. This is where OptionsOracle comes to help. OptionsOracle is a powerful tool that allows testing of different options strategies using real-time options & stock-market information. The tool provides an easy interface to build a stock/options position and then test it using graphs and analytical tools.
Read more at http://www.pasitechnologies.com/2017/03/optionsoracle-options-trading-analysis.html
Download page: http://www.pasitechnologies.com/2015/11/optionsoracle-nse-plugin-v-185.html
I am using the older version (option 1b) as the latest version is not supported on my laptop
More resources:
- learn more about option oracle at youtube
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/OptionTradingCourse/.
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